A Picture for Each Star Sign
In case you know absolutely nothing about astrology or different zodiac signs, this is your perfect cheat sheet. You may hear people talking about the different star signs and have no idea what they are talking about. Instead of being completely in the dark, here is a brief synopsis in the form of cats. As you can see the signs are divided into four major categories that are perfectly represented here.
Fire signs tend to be the wild and crazy ones, just like this cat here. The air signs are friendly and sweet. The earth signs are down to earth (hence the name) and the water signs are apparently emotional.
Just Look at the Mess Here
One of the best parts about astrology is that you can almost find some sort of excuse for your poor behaviors. If you look at a certain retrograde or time of the moon, you will see that there is a reason behind your crazy mood swings and you're not just completely crazy. Anyone who wants to justify their actions or their emotions can just look at astrology for a little backup.
This can be pretty frustrating though, if you are trying to keep someone accountable for their actions. After all, you can't blame everything on the current astrological situation.
Time to Defy the Stars
There is nothing worse for two astrology lovers than to go out on a date, have a really great time, think that things are going so well, and then find out that their signs do not match. There are two options when something like this happens. Either they start to think that there is something wrong with astrology and maybe it's not all true, or they want to find a way to defy the stars and stay together.
Either way, this meme perfectly describes what they are feeling at this moment. They want more than anything to make it work and don't want to lose all their chances.
An Expression of True Love
There are plenty of women who swear by astrology and make it the basis of all the decisions in their relationships and love lives. This man went on a date with a woman who was very into astrology and astrological concepts. He wanted to make a good impression on her, so he went to his mom and asked her so many questions about when he was born so he could look up his astrological information.
You can only hope that this was enough to make a good impression on this lady. He wouldn't normally care about these things, but you never know what people do for the sake of love!
Trying to Hide Your Astrology Obsession
The world is pretty divided into people who love astrology and people who think it is one of the biggest hoaxes of all time. For those who believe in it, they often want to ask the people they are dating what their sign is, so they can get a better gauge about them. You never know when you will be presented with a very anti and skeptical person who looks down on anyone who believes in it.
A lot of people, instead of admitting that they are very obsessed and into astrology, would rather hide that side of themselves from people who look down on those who believe in it.
Don't Blame It on Your Sign
Some people in the world will do anything to avoid taking responsibility for their actions and for their poor behavior. They will come up with every excuse in the world to put the blame elsewhere. In the world of astrology lovers, there is also no shortage of similar people who are eager and willing to blame their poor behavior on their zodiac sign. How many times have you heard "I can't help it, I'm a Leo."
It is refreshing when people don't let them get away with it and hold them accountable for their behaviors. You can't blame everything on your zodiac sign!
Blame It on Mercury Retrograde
You never know how the different astrological events will affect you. Mercury retrograde seems to be one of the largest events that affect people all around the world. How many articles and videos have you seen about Mercury retrograde and what it has in store for you? Probably countless. Well, here is a meme to add to the list. This person made some questionable choices with her love life and her hair.
People who don't believe in astrology will say that the person just made a bad choice. Astrology believers will be the first to blame all the craziness on Mercury.
His Sign Is a Dinosaur
One of the most awkward and tense moments of a date can be when you ask someone what their sign is. You never know how they will answer. Maybe they will say that they don't even know as they aren't that into astrology. Or maybe they will say that they think astrology is a hoax. Or maybe they will tell you their sign and you will live happily ever after.
You always run the risk of a person like this who makes up a sign that does not exist and then claims that it exists just as much as any of the other ones...as they are all irrelevant.
Trust the Horoscope
There are people who swear by horoscopes and check them each and every day to see what their day will look like. There are others who have never looked at a horoscope even once in their life. But there is certainly no lack of people in the former category. They wake up in the morning and rush off to check what their horoscope looks like. They can't start their day without finding out.
They also oftentimes get so excited or shocked by even the slightest little things. The horoscope will state the most obvious fact such as "you're probably breathing right now" and those obsessed with them will drink it all up enthusiastically.
The Astrological Defense
People who believe in astrology love to find an explanation for the actions of people around them and themselves. This meme shows someone in a court of law trying to use astrology to get themselves out of a situation. They keep telling their lawyer that they can explain the person's actions by telling them that it was Scorpio season. Hey, it can't hurt to try and see if there is any sympathy.
The lawyer thinks (more likely, knows) that this probably will not hold up in a court of law, but why not give it a try? Maybe the judge also believes strongly in astrology.
Conveniently Believing in Horoscopes
Maybe people don't want to believe in astrology or horoscopes because they don't like what they are telling them. They are picky astrology believers...only when it is convenient for them. They will tell everyone that they do not believe in horoscopes or zodiacs or the like, until the horoscope tells them something good or nice for them. But what is the harm in taking only the good and believing in that?
The people who do this may seem silly, but it can keep them positive and happy in the long run. Although sometimes it's good to look at the good along with the bad and face reality.
An Astrological Gender Reveal
Not everyone loves the typical gender reveal at baby showers and gender reveal parties. Lovers of astrology would much rather have it themed a little bit differently. They could instead just have it all based on the zodiac sign of the child-to-be. One person decided to point out that not all of them would be parties...it would depend on the sign of the child. Some of them would be more of a warning.
This person was still realistic about their idea and knew that some of the zodiac signs can be a bit of a handful and difficult to take care of.
This Sign Won't Stop Me
People use all sorts of things to help them fill the void in their lives and give them a sense of meaning and purpose. Whether it is sports or passions or hobbies, everyone finds something. Many people also try to have astrology fill that void. This meme is particularly funny as this person is looking at the sign saying that this is not a good path for life and yet they are continuing anyway.
What difference do all the warning signs make it you can't read them? Is it that people can't actually read them or do they choose not to read them? That is the real question.
The Worst Combination
If you want to see a meme that perfectly describes Geminis and Libras, this is the one for you. This woman is trying to get out of a ticket by explaining that she is a Gemini (and Geminis are always in a hurry). However, what she doesn't know is that the police officer is a Libr and the typical character trait of a libra is that they don't really care much about other people.
This Libra police officer was her worst chance of getting out of a ticket in this circumstance. There is no way that he will give her a break and let her off easy.
What Is Your Perfect Date?
Who would ever think that the question "What's your idea of a perfect date?" would have so much potential to be so confusing? This person seemed to have taken the question the wrong way and provided a very funny answer. Astrology believers were no doubt disappointed in such a logical answer that did not really answer the question that they were asking. But it does give insight into date writing formats.
It's hard to tell if Shafeeq was trying to be funny or if he actually thought that was what the people were referring to when they asked this question.
Horoscope Reader Versus Natal Chart Reader
Although there are plenty of people who will spend time arguing about whether or not astrology is even legitimate or not, there are also plenty of people within the astrology community who will argue with each other and have feuds. Sometimes those who can read natal charts feel superior to those who can "only" read natal horoscopes. They require different amounts of understanding and people always want to start feuds in any community.
This meme perfectly explains the feeling that so many people have when it comes to the astrology community. Those who simply read the newspaper horoscopes feel very inferior to those who have more of a general knowledge.
Is He a Fire Sign Like Us?
Although the signs are generally divided into four categories: fire signs, earth signs, water signs, and air signs, sometimes all the zodiac signs that fall under the different categories don't always seem to line up. Fire signs are known for being temperamental, hot-headed and...firey. Despite the fact that Scorpios are actually a water sign, sometimes they seem much closer to the fire signs that it is temping to lump them in that category.
Just like these roosters are doing and admitting, it can be hard to understand and differentiate whether Scorpios are actually water signs or fire signs. They share so many traits of each.
The Way to Get Her to Come Over
For many women in the world, there is one simple way to their hearts. You may be tempted to believe that it is food or gifts or cuddles, however for a large portion of women in the world, it is actually letting them talk to you about their birth time and zodiacs. This man knew that he would be rejected if he just asked this lady to simply come over, but if he offered to show her his birth time, things could be different.
As he guessed, for this person things were very different when he brought his brith time and chart into the picture. She was ready to hop on her broomstick like this witch and head right over.
What Flavor of Ice Cream Are You?
Did you know that there are some online quizzes that claim to be able to tell you what flavor of ice cream you would be if you were ice cream just based on your zodiac sign? Although it seems ridiculous, even the most anti and skeptical people who do not believe in astrology are tempted to fill out these online quizzes to find out these totally unnecessary facts about themselves.
After all, what is more important in the moment than knowing what flavor of ice cream matches your sign? It can seem like the most important thing at the time.
The Worst Combination
There can be nothing worse than when your sun, moon, and rising sign all team up at the same time to make life difficult. It is no secret that each one of these can be a challenge in and of itself, but when they combine forces and work together....things can get wild. This meme so accurately portrays what it feels like when all of them join together at the same time.
There is little more catosrophic than these forces joining together to wreak havoc in your life. Be prepared whenever this takes place! You'll be in for a crazy ride to say the least.
Just Blame It on Earth
It can be hard to face your feelings and really start to feel them. The first thing many people want to do is go and ask an astrologer if "there is some planet that they can blame this on". Unfortunately, in the case of this woman, it looks like the only actual planet that this could be blamed on is earth. Earth is indeed a planet and has plenty of terrible and sad things that occur to make someone emotional.
You don't always have to find a different planet to blae your emotional challenges on, sometimes the problem really truly is just earth and all of its messy and complicated situations.
When You Have to Let Them Know
When you are in a relationship with someone who loves astrology, sometimes you don't have much of a choice but to find out all the information about your birth date and time in as much detail as possible. It is most likely something you never thought of or even considered and yet you make that call to your parents to figure it all out to make that person happy with the information.
You can only hope at that point that they like what they find out. Sometimes when they get all the information and start reading your birth chart, things can go downhill.
Maintaining All of Your Personalities
There is nothing more challenging than trying to maintain all of the different personalities and personas that you have created with different people throughout the years. Geminis in particular seem to be very guilty of this sort of behavior and show different sides of themselves to different people. It can be quite difficult to maintain all of those personalities when all the people are brought together at once...and only know that one side of you.
This fire-breathing cat with a clown tail, multiple different pairs of shoes, and daisy ears is the perfect example of combining lots of different personalities in one big mess that somehow works.
This Is a Capricorn and Cancer Thing
Everyone is guilty of restarting a song if you happened to miss the best part of it or were too distracted to fully enjoy it. However, Cancers and Capricorns seem to do this the most and in a little bit of a different way. Instead of replaying the portions that they like the most, they replay the parts that hurt the most if they feel that they were not feeling enough while they were playing.
The facial expression of this person is also so perfect for the way that Cancers and Capricorns feel in these moments. They want to feel all of the (usually bad) emotions that go along with the music they listen to.
Scorpios and Their Extreme Plans
There have already been quite a few comments and memes on this list about Scorpios as they seem to be some of the most temperamental signs out there. This meme shows how perfectly crazy they can also be. They can go so bazerk that they create a multiple-phased revenge plan that takes years to fully complete and process. They start it in motion and then just sit back and watch as everything falls into place perfectly.
The smirk on his face shows exactly what they are feeling and the satisfaction that they feel when their plan starts working perfectly as they planned years in advance.
They Didn't Like What They Saw
One of the hardest things about dating as a lover and believer in astrology is that you have to know a lot about the person that you are going on with to see if they are a good fit for you. You need their zodiac signs, their birthplace, their birth charts, and so much more. Only then can you investigate and find out everything about them that enables you to understand who they really are.
This person clearly was not so lucky with the sharing of this information. As soon as they found this out about the person they blocked them everywhere and refused to speak to them.
Cool People Believe in Astrology
Sometimes people seem so proud of themselves that they don't believe in astrology. They feel like they are elite and more intelligent as they didn't fall for such an obvious hoax. However, people who believe in astrology simply think that it's a shame that there are nonbelievers...and that they would be much cooler people if they believed in it. This meme perfectly explains the feeling of astrology believers when they meet someone like this.
Not everyone is going to believe in the same things and yet it's hard to stop yourself from thinking that they would be a lot cooler sometimes if they did think like you.
The Logic of Facebook Friends
There is a total and complete difference between the people that you add as friends on Facebook. You may not want to add anyone that you went to school with and you will even go so far as to avoid them at all costs. However, when it comes to random strangers that also are into astrology, you will happily and excitedly add them as your friends immediately in a moment.
That just goes to show that it doesn't matter how much history you have with someone, you will always prefer to have someone who is like-minded at the end of the day.
The Self Sabotaging Sagittarius
Sagittariuses are known for many different things and one of them is that they are extremely independent and are scared to let anyone else into their life that could threaten that freedom. This meme could not be a clearer portrayal of how Sagittarius people feel when they have successfully self-sabotaged all of their romantic relationships just to make sure that they would never have their freedom risked in any form of fashion.
They sleep very easily knowing that they are doing this and yet they do not want to change anything about this process. Why would they if it helps them to ensure that they have their continued freedom?
Don't Force Them to Socialize
There are plenty of people in the world that hate to socialize more than anything else. They will do anything to avoid large social gatherings and just want to sit at home alone in peace. Sometimes, when they are forced to be in social settings for a longer than desired time their thoughts can become very existential as this meme shows. They just want to leave the earth and never have to socialize again.
This is a very common character trait of people with the Aquarius sign. They tend to be very anti-social and only want to have alone time and peace constantly.
Leos Are as Dramatic as Tinkerbell
As a child, most people did not think that Tinkerbell was a very dramatic little fairy. However, as an adult, you will probably realize how crazy it is that she would nearly die every time she did not get enough attention. There are plenty of people who are like this in the world, but this is probably the most perfect description of Leos that could exist. It perfectly follows their personality traits.
This would be a very funny meme to send to any Leo that does not fully understand how much they always feel the need to have attention at all times.
Not All Signs Are Equal
Sometimes when you read the information about different signs you can learn about their usual characteristic traits. They usually have nice and good things to say, but that is not always the case for all of zodiac signs. You can often see a long list that includes all the different signs and the good things about them, but then there will be that one sign that has only negative things listed.
Do you think that the person who put this list together just had a personal vendetta against Capricorns? Or is this actually accurate...you might never know.
You Can't Always Blame Your Zodiac Sign
There is nothing more frustrating than trying to talk to someone about their behavioral problems only to see them push the blame onto their zodiac sign. Although some of it can certainly be put on that, not everything can. There is a point where you need to take accountability for your actions, unrelated to your zodiac sign and its impact on you. All the difference is the amount of responsibility you take.
This is a pretty big red flag that should not be overlooked. No one wants to live with someone who refuses to take responsibility for their actions and always puts the blame on something else.
The Excitement Over Astrology
Anyone who loves astrology knows how exciting it is to find another person who loves astrology. It's like finding a long-lost friend. This meme shows what it's like when you so much as overhear a little bit of talk about astrology or stars from a neighbor. You can't contain your excitement and will do anything to just become their friend. After all, what's better than having an astrology loving neigbor?
You can both chip in to buy a telescope to star gaze together at night. It can be the perfect love story for both of you. It's worth breaking through the ceiling for it.
Always Offering the Astrological Opinions
If you have a friend that loves astrology, you are either thrilled to have someone explain all the different nuances to you, or you no longer want to ever hear about stars or zodiacs ever again. Astrology lovers tend to talk to everyone about astrology, whether or not they are also interested in it. They will scream in all of their ears and talk loudly even if everyone is trying to avoid them.
This girl is doing whatever she can to escape the endless talk about astrology but nothing is keeping the people away. They have to share their opinions with someone.
A Very Specific Request
This person has a very specific request if they have to go to the hospital. They want a very specific set of nurses and doctors that are decided based on their zodiac signs. They are willing to accept a place where the doctors are Virgo, the surgeons are Scorpio, and the nurses are Cancer. They will not accept surgeons who are Sagittarius, doctors who are Aries, and nurses who are Aquarius.
Do you think if they ever had to go to the hospital that they would actually care what the sign of the caretaker was? They would probably just be grateful for some help.
First Time Reading Your Birth Chart
The first time you read your birth chart is a pretty big and exciting moment in life. There are so many things that you learn about yourself, and even though it is all very complicated, you also realize that so many things are starting to make sense. You almost feel like a mad scientist when everything comes together in such a perfect way. It is surprising and exciting at the same time.
The look on this man's face is the perfect portrayal of how someone feels after they read their birth chart for the very first time.
Check Their Sign
Have you ever met a person and just realized that all of their behaviors were so seriously infuriating and wrong? They acted like a horrible human being and cared only about themselves and no one else. Well, in that case, you want to grab a cup of coffee and go to look up what their zodiac sign is so that you can justify their terrible and rude actions.
The worst is when you can't find anything to justify their behavior and you realize they're just a really terrible person.